Friday, May 9, 2014

Storia di un impiegato:
   Introduzione - Introduction

Lottavano così come si gioca
i cuccioli del maggio era normale
loro avevano il tempo anche per la galera
ad aspettarli fuori rimaneva
la stessa rabbia la stessa primavera...

Introduzione © 1973 Fabrizio De André/Giuseppe Bentivoglio/Nicola Piovani

We are introduced to the worker as he observes the student rebels of 1968.

They fought the way one plays,
the puppies of May, it was normal.
They even had time for prison.
Waiting for them on the outside remained
the same rage, the same springtime . . .

English translation © 2014 Dennis Criteser

Storia di un impiegato, released in 1973, tells the story of a worker who, inspired by a song about the French student riots of May/June 1968, decides to become a revolutionary. De André hoped to make a poetic interpretation of the events of 1968, but wanted to burn the album upon its release because he felt it ended up as a political album, with him telling people how to act. The lyrics were co-written with Giuseppe Bentivoglio, and the resultant anarchist/Marxist texts are sometimes confusing and obscure. The music was co-written with Nicola Piovani, who also co-wrote Non al denaro non all'amore né al cielo.
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