Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Andrea s'è perso
s'è perso e non sa tornare
Andrea s'è perso
s'è perso e non sa tornare
Andrea aveva
un amore Riccioli neri
Andrea aveva
un dolore Riccioli neri.

C'era scritto sul foglio
ch'era morto sulla bandiera
C'era scritto e la firma
era d'oro era firma di re
Ucciso sui monti
di Trento dalla mitraglia.
Ucciso sui monti
di Trento dalla mitraglia.

Occhi di bosco
contadino del regno profilo francese
Occhi di bosco
soldato del regno profilo francese
E Andrea l'ha perso
ha perso l'amore la perla più rara
E Andrea ha in bocca
ha in bocca un dolore la perla più scura.

Andrea cogliava
raccoglieva violette ai bordi del pozzo
Andrea gettava
Riccioli neri nel cerchio del pozzo
Il secchio gli disse
gli disse - Signore il pozzo è profondo
più fondo del fondo
degli occhi della Notte del Pianto.

Lui disse - Mi basta
mi basta che sia più profondo di me.
Lui disse - Mi basta
mi basta che sia più profondo di me.

Andrea © 1978 Fabrizio De André/Massimo Bubola

"Andrea" is both an anti-war song and a statement of solidarity with and acceptance of gays, as the song is about the love between two men (Andrea is a man's name in Italian). The setting for the song is World War I, which can be deduced because intense battles occurred on the ground in the mountains of Trent during WWI, whereas in WWII Trent suffered bombing from the air by the Germans toward the end of the war.

Andrea got lost,
he got lost and doesn't know how to return.
Andrea got lost,
he got lost and doesn't know how to return.
Andrea used to have
a love, black curly hair,
Andrea used to have
a sorrow, black curly hair.

It was written on a page
that he'd died on the flag.
It was written and the signature
was in gold, it was signed by the king:
killed in the mountains
of Trent by machine gun fire,
killed in the mountains
of Trent by machine gun fire.

Forest-colored eyes,
peasant of the realm, French profile.
Forest-colored eyes,
soldier of the realm, French profile.
And Andrea lost him,
he lost his love, the pearl most rare.
And Andrea has in his mouth,
he has in his mouth a sorrow, the darkest pearl.

Andrea was plucking,
he was gathering violets at the edges of a well.
Andrea was throwing
black ringlets in the circle of the well.
The bucket said to him,
it said, “Sir, the well is deep,
deeper than the depth
of the eyes of the Night of Tears.”

He said, “It’s enough for me,
it's good enough that it’s deeper than I am.”
He said, “It’s enough for me,
it's good enough that it’s deeper than I am.”

English translation © 2014 Dennis Criteser

Rimini grew out of De André's disappointments with the political events of the previous couple of years. In close collaboration with Massimo Bubola, a young 24-year-old who had just released his first album, De André explored several social and political themes, including abortion, homosexuality, and how the petite bourgeoisie attempted to move into the ranks of the powerful and rise above the political and social turmoil of the times. The music has more influence from American rock and pop music than previous albums, and includes his first forays into ethnic music, which will eventually come to full fruition in his masterpiece album Crêuza de mä.
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